Embracing Change

The combination of new technologies, outdated systems, and the global pandemic have ushered in a rate of change that far exceeds any other period in recorded human history.


So what do we do about it?

We become more flexible… more adaptable… more malleable in our way of thinking. 

I hear a lot of people talking about the ‘good ole days’... or talking about how things ‘should be’. 

But this is small minded thinking. There are only two sane choices when it comes to dealing with our reality:

  1. We accept it. 

  2. We change it. 

As the ‘Serenity Prayer’ says, we need the “...serenity to accept the things we cannot change, the courage to change the things we can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

Truer words have seldom been spoken. 


Since we can’t really change all the change that is happening, we must accept it. And the next logical conclusion is that we must change ourselves (and our businesses) so that we thrive in the shifting landscape and remain relevant in the future. 

So here are 3 actionable tips for ‘Embracing Change’:

  1. Let go of whatever is no longer serving you. When we find promising new ways of doing things we often let our old habits and obligations hold us back and drag us down. Don’t do that. Release the old, and embrace the new… especially if it is a bad relationship, a dead end project, or time consuming task that is no longer relevant to your ‘brave new world’.

  2. Reset your mindset. Are you rigid in your ways of thinking? Do you see problems instead of opportunities? Are you thinking too much about the what instead of the why? Little tweaks to the mindset allow for huge improvements. If you need a place to start, check out this blog post or read a book. I recommend ‘Think and Grow Rich’ by Napoleon Hill. Rumor has it that, if you master the principles in the book you’ll never have to worry about money again ;)

  3. Look for potential ‘inflection points’ that will revolutionize your industry or way of living. These include things like AI, cryptocurrencies & blockchain, platform technologies, and renewable energy. As you begin to see these major shifts, make it a point to learn about them and understand the implications for your life and business. 

Above all else, learn to relax and enjoy your life. Things change so quickly that we often forget to truly experience the present moment. 

Don’t chase the future. Embrace it. And learn to love the opportunity to change and grow in response to what your environment is telling you.