Value Proposition of Music, Art and Entertainment

It is undeniable that art and music are a valuable, if not vital part of our lives. 

However, many wonderfully complex art forms get lumped into the category of ‘entertainment’. 

A lot of art is indeed entertaining, but I would argue that the value of art far exceeds that of most other forms of entertainment.

What is art?

A quick Google Search yields the following definition: 

“the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.”

“Works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power.” I like that definition.

Do you like that definition of art? How would you define art?

According to the definition above, artists make things that are meant to convey beauty and emotional power. 

Sometimes a work of art is so remarkable that it is immediately recognized. More often than not, artists are left with the challenge of selling their art to the public

Any seasoned sales person will tell you that the key to selling is to create a compelling ‘value proposition’.

Check out this definition from

“A value proposition is a simple statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business. Every value proposition should speak to a customer’s challenge and make the case for your company as the problem-solver.”

But wait, an artist isn’t really trying to ‘solve a problem’… and the ‘problem solving’ value proposition doesn’t work for entertainment either.

Music, art, and entertainment are meant to provide a different kind of value. It’s intuitively understood throughout all cultures that art and entertainment are inherently valuable.

But that doesn’t make music, art, and entertainment easy to sell.

Promoting entertainment is about creating a buzz around an event or entertainment channel and then really knocking it out of the park with the actual delivery of the entertainment.

Check out my recent blog post 3 Steps for Better Live Concert Promotionfor more thoughts on the topic.

Since music traditionally came about as a live and in-person activity , it makes sense that the marketing of art and music often descends into the realm of just ‘building hype.’

One of the biggest mistakes that I see people make when they promote their recorded music and content is this:

They don't clearly communicate the value in what they are offering.




Remember, it isn't about you. It is about your audience. People share things they see value in!

When you are promoting something on social media, or anywhere else, you are taking up the time and attention of the viewer/listener.

Our time and attention is our most valuable resource, and the only thing we can never get more of.

So, when you are asking for someone to pay attention to you, make sure you communicate the value you are offering to them. Your ultimate goal is for them to tell someone else… to share about you.

What will they get out of it?

Why would they share it with someone else?

Make it easy for them to answer those two questions.

Here is a helpful graphic showing different types of value people might get out of your message, brand, music, business, content, etc.

Looking at the above chart, what value do you get out of music? What value do you get out of art?

You can see, fun/entertainment is only one option.

Do the music creators in your life a favor and remind them of the numerous ways their art gives value to you. And remind them to communicate their own value when they share on socials .

Communicating the value you provide to your audience, fans, and supporters is one of the best ways to grow your network and business opportunities.

This blog post is meant to share the value of information and simplification while also helping you make money, find motivation, and self-actualization.

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