Celebrate Your Wins!

Life is short.

We all know it, and we all try to ignore that fact more that we’d care to admit. 

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Without getting too morbid, the understanding that my life will one day come to an end helps me clarify goals for my life…

What do I want to get out if it, and what do I want to leave behind?

One thing I know for sure is that I want JOY!

I also want to crush some pretty massive professional goals, while helping and teaching a lot of people along the way. 

And with the clock ticking down, it is easy to become obsessive over the daily grind. I gotta get this done, and that done, remember this, remember that… always moving toward some imaginary future where everything is finished, perfect, in its place. 

Push push push…

Where does that leave room to take joy in the present moment? Where does that leave room for us to give ourselves a pat on the back for all that we have already accomplished?

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That’s why it is so important to celebrate your wins!

Don’t compare yourself to someone else. Don’t compare where you are right now to where you want to be. Look back at how far you have come. Take a deep breath and feel the deep satisfaction of knowing that you are capable of overcoming any obstacle. You are resilient. You are prepared.

You deserve to feel great and life is a miracle!

And if you see someone around you celebrating their wins, celebrate with them! One day it will be your turn to celebrate, and it’s going to feel so good to have others there celebrating with you 🙌

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We are all human. We are all working hard. We are trying to figure it out and doing the best we can with the hand we’re dealt.

And sometimes we just need to let it all go… to remind ourselves of our own awesomeness, our own creativity; our own ability to feel completely ecstatic and inspired. 

So we celebrate!